About Oros-Süti Ltd.

T he predecessor of the Oros-Süti Ltd. started producing food products in 1970 led by Mrs. Polgár Etelka who still manages the production even today.

The production of deep-frozen products was started in 1980 with different kinds of dumplings than in 1982 with deep-frozen cakes. Firstly the cheesecake product line brought success than the cocoa creamed, the fruit flavoured and the authentic Hungarian tastes, like the Dobos cake (today it is called „Our cake”), Somlói cake and so on.

The deep-frozen desserts became popular in Hungary as well as on the export markets: we produced more than 800 thousands of cakes/year, and it’s 80% went for export to the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) and the European markets.

In 2016 we have started the production of deep-frozen stuffed pasta (tortellini/ravioli).

On the home market we supply to retailers (TESCO, Auchan, CBA, Family Frost, etc.), as well as to HORECA partners. In case required by partners we develop new tastes within private label cooperation.

The deep-frozen cakes won the Excellent Quality Food Prize of the Ministry of Agriculture in Hungary. In addition they won prize at the INTERNORGA food exhibition in Hamburg as well.

In our recipes we prefer using natural ingredients.

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